Monday, January 30, 2012

Sirukizhangu / koorka / chinese potato Poriyal

I am a big fan of this poriyal. First reason, it tastes more like potato but with a mild crunchiness and secondly, we get it only once in a year. Yes, amma gets sirukizhangu only for Pongal. Kathambam sambar, aviyal and this poriyal is a staple menu on Pongal. I dont know why and never did I bother to ask her why she got this veggie only on this festival.

Last year, I searched for this veggie high and low but did not find it anywhere. Amma kept insisting that sirukizhangu should be part of veggies kept for the saami padayal. Another intention of me searching was that I was craving for this poriyal ever since I got married and missed it so much. So this year, the hunt started again. I landed my eyes on them by chance and you should have heard me yelling at my huss to stop the vehicle and me jumping down to grab some like a maniac. Finally I got half kg of koorkas and made two batches of the poriyal and had it to my heart's content.

~*What U Need*~
Sirukizhangu/koorka/chinese potato - 250 gms
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Urad dhal - 1 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 sprig

To grind
Grated cocount -3 tbsps
Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder - a generous pinch
Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp
Garlic cloves - 3
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Pearl onions - 5 to 6

How I Made it:
Clean the veggie to remove mud particles. Now scrap of the skin using a knife. Cut into small pieces and boil in water till semi-mushy. When smashed with the tip of the fingers, it should be done easily. Drain excess water. In a mixie, add all the ingredients under to grind section and give 4-5 pulses. Donot grind to a smooth texture, all the ingredients should get blended well. Heat oil in a kadai, add mustard seeds and when splutterd, add curry leaves and urad dhal. When the dhal has browned, add the koorka pieces and saute well till evenly roasted. This will take around 5 mins. Add the ground mixture & salt and fry for another 5 mins. Have a bite, if the koorka is roasted well and the flavors are right then switch off the flame.

Serve as a side dish for rice.

So thats it Folks...
With Love,

Signs off!!!

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  1. Love the recipe dear, is Sirukizhangu, small potatoes..

  2. Sounds too good, nice recipe, thanks for sharing!

  3. Seriously cant take my eyes from ur irresistible clicks,super tempting poriyal..

  4. @ Hema, no dear it is Chinese potatoes. Check out this link

  5. I am laughing, picturing you yelling and jumping out of the car to get those. However, I know how frustrating it can be to search for something and not be able to find it. Looks like a delicious dish!

  6. Delicious and amazing looking poriyal. Excellent preparation.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  7. wow hv never made this one.. nice yumm poriyal..

  8. very delicious poriyal, its been long time i had it :)

  9. Very yummy preparation.......thanks for sharing.

  10. never tasted this before...looks absolutely delicious and tempting...nice recipe too!!
    Spicy Treats
    OnGoing Event ~ Dish It Out-Brinjal n Garlic

  11. Quiet new to me !! looks delicious !!

    Ongoing Event - CC-Chocolate Fest

  12. Wonderful recipe. Looks yummy and tempting. Perfect with roti.

  13. nice recipe. never tried this veggie, will give this a try

  14. i love koorkka...though its hard to find it in shops here..delicious preparation

  15. Koorka fry looks delicious, I get only frozen ones.

  16. That looks super crispy and yummy

  17. I've never heard of Chinese potatoes...I'll have to look for it. Your dish looks and sounds really delicious though!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. looks different and cripsy:)

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