Monday, July 15, 2013

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies | HBC#3

We, the Homebakers strike again. This time with cookies. After pizza and cakes, we were challenged by Viji to make some cookies. Taking into account the very little cookie recipes in my blog, (if you can tell two cookie recipes as little), I was excited at the same time hesitant on seeing the challenge. Cookies were never my strength when it came to baking. The first time I tried it, it went rock hard and the second time I baked it, it came out like a tuile, nothing wrong but I couldn't even peel it out.

Given my cookie baking failures, now you know why I was hesitant with the challenge. And so picking a cookie from the 4 cookie recipes that Viji had given proved to be a task for me. Finally I settled for the pinwheel cookies giving it my own changeover. I adapted only the vanilla dough and added some chocolate chips to it making my version of chewy chocolate chip cookies.

Now why chewy, I used an egg white and that made my cookies soft chewy and totally addictive. You want them to be slightly on the crispier side then flatten the dough with your palm and bake as directed. Very slight changes altered the texture so much. I made one batch on the chewier side and another one on the crispier side. Both were relished by the family.

Munchkins loved them so much and he has been having a half everyday with his evening milk. And ask him for a share, he walks away hiding his piece and all you get is a cold stare. He loves it so much. Now is that reason enough for you to don your apron and start baking these beauties.

~*What U Need*~
Yields - 20 medium sized cookies
All purpose flour - 3/4 cup
Butter - 1/4 cup
Light brown sugar - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Egg white - 1
Vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp
Salt - a pinch
Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
Dark Chocolate chips 1/2 cup

How I Made it:
Preheat oven to 160C. Line a cookie sheet with butter paper. In a medium bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. Add vanilla, salt and egg white, mix well. Sieve together flour and baking soda and mix this with the batter. Add the chocolate chips and stir till evenly combined. Pinch tablespoons of dough, leaving a small amount of space between each cookie. Bake till golden for around 10-12 mins. Cool on a wire rack. Store in airtight container.

Serve with milk!!!

So thats it Folks...
With Love,

Signs off!!!

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  1. delicious and wonderful presentation here...

  2. cookies came out very well,looks super!!

  3. Ohh they look SOOO good! I prefer chewy to crisp!
    Mary x

  4. VEry lovely and yummy looking chocolate chip cookies, my girls fav...

  5. Delicious chocoalte chip cookies, loosk yumm.

  6. Cookies look yummy..Both my kids love chocolate chip cookies. I should bake these sometime for them.

  7. Looks great, I wish to try this..

  8. My favorite cookies,beautifully baked.

  9. yummy cookies, looks so nice.

  10. cookies came out really well and love the clicks

  11. oh mine vimi..we buy bulk from sams here yours look just like those...perfect

  12. wow, totally loved its colour and texture:) Well done:)

  13. in my house these cookies goes by so quickly I sometimes amazed. delicious.


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