Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oats Mixed Vegetable Upma | Easy Breakfast Recipes | Oats Recipes

Help me, someone... I am going crazy over deciding on what to put on our breakfast table. Especially when my MIL comes over. Amma is ok with the cereal and oatmeal that I make, ok there is no making part involved and so lets keep it to "put together" and a banana + a glass of milk + some sprouts and another bowl of fruits and nuts that I "prepare" for brunch. But my MIL, she needs something heavy and that needs to be dosas or idlis or puttus, all three which I hate.

No offense, I hate South Indian breakfasts on weekdays. Not that I am lazy, (ok that might be a reason too) but seriously it takes a hell lot of time and with the early morning sun blazing as if the time is mid-noon, the kitchen seems like a furnace and so I make something simple and its mostly cereal or poha topped with nuts, prunes and dates or oatmeal flavored someway or the other.

But whenever the MIL comes to visit us, I just break my head to decide what should be done for breakfast. After repeated mornings of idlis with sambar or coconut chutney, I knew that I had to take over and make something different. Oats gets a delicious makeover here and the vegetables make it the more healthier. It is tasty on its own but coconut chutney will also pair beautifully.

~*What U Need*~
Quick cooking Oats - 1 cup
Water - 3 to 4 tbsp, adjust
Onion - 1, medium
Turmeric powder - a generous pinch
Red Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Carrot,beans,peas - 1/2 cup, finely chopped

To temper:
Oil - 2 tsp
Mustard seeds - 3/4 tsp
Urad dal - 1/2 tsp
Green Chillies - 1
Curry leaves - few

How I Made it:
In a non stick pan heat oil and temper with the mentioned ingredients. Then add onion and saute till soft and brown.

Add the vegetables, sprinkle some water and allow to cook. When the vegetable are soft, add the spice powders. Add the oats sprinkle 2 tbsp water and stir. Cover and cook for 2 mins. Open, if it is not fully cooked add one more tbsp of water and cook with the lid on. Repeat till fully cooked and flaky. Season with salt and switch off.

Serve hot with any chutney of choice.

** My Notes:
** Adding water little by little results in flaky upma.
** Add veggies of choice.

So thats it Folks...
With Love,

Signs off!!!

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  1. So healthy and delicious!! I love oats upma! :)

  2. Wow ! That's a super dooper recipe... Yummy !

  3. Healthy and delicious..perfectely done upma..

  4. Very healthy fruitful breakfast Vimitha...

  5. Loving it, oats are so versatile in this way!

  6. love this upma .. so healthy and yummy..

  7. you have kicked in the craving to eat this :) healthy recipe...

  8. Looks very healthy,nice twist to regular rawa upma:)

  9. It looks superb dear, I am sure, your MIL would have enjoyed it..

  10. Wow! What a presentation! LOOKS YUM..

  11. Healthy and Yummy Breakfast vimitha...

  12. Love to start my day with this beautiful dish, filling breakfast.

  13. ahh..Healthy & delicious preparation!!

  14. lovely intro...healthy breakfast..

  15. have to try this soon...has been on my to do list for long...looks very good.

  16. Have to try this soon..has been on my to do list for long...Looks very delicious

  17. I'm sure your MIL approved of this :)

  18. Have bookmarked this recipe... It's a great brakfast idea for kids especially when it's this healthy... I'm a new blogger... Do visit my blog...

  19. Love to start my day with this healthy breakfast...?very delicious...You have a great space,Happy to Follow u :)

  20. One of my fav healthy breakfast options!

  21. Looks yummy healthy and so colourful

  22. Oats Upma looks so delicious dear! love it!

    my latest recipe

  23. same case with my in-laws :) they need traditional south indian breakfast..
    upma looks healthy and delicious..

  24. I actually really love upma and oats separately, so all the more reason to love this recipe, thanks Vimitha, I think this will appear on my breakfast table tomorrow!

  25. Delicious vegetable upma with oats I love this kind of breakfast.

  26. Healthy n nutritious breakfast indeed..!


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