Thursday, December 27, 2012

Orange Chocolate Sour Cream Cake with Orange Chocolate Ganache | he turns 9m

Orange and chocolate dark chocolate are a match made in heaven!!!
No one can oppose this and I would say that the combination works out to the fullest only with dark chocolate. The tang just tickles your taste buds and makes you salivate for more. My first bite of an orange flavored chocolate was the Lindt Orange Intense which was one among the big basket of chocolates that the huss gifted me for my birthday. (... I am a chocolate freak and nothing elevates my mood like chocolate). It was love at first bite and its been a joyous relationship since then.

When Cadbury's India launched their Orange peel, I was one among the fans who had happy feet. Its not that I like Cadbury's Silk as I find it too sweet (BTW any dark chocolate lover will think that eating milk chocolate is a sin) but an occasional bite never seemed a crime. But the product never lived to my expectations, I found it lacking that orange punch. No offense Cadbury's guys but its just my personal opinion. The here-and-there orange tit-bits just didn't satisfy me.

With the huss not around, cooking and baking has taken a backseat in my life. And if I do something then it is just to feed the blog. I have turned into this scavenger who feeds on anything edible available in my pantry, in short am just scraping through days. Thinking intensely, cooking has appealed to me just because of 'him' and I have felt contented only when he and 'only he' not my mom, dad or anyone but 'he' takes a bite and gives a thumbs up.

So when the kid turned a month older, I just thought of making a simple chocolate sour cream cake but then one thing led to another and it was this magnificent cake that I made. Its filled with flavor and the fruity punch that the orange zest lends to the cake when you bite through is just bliss!!! Give it a try if you are an orange and chocolate combo lover. You will love it...

Adapted from The Pillsbury Complete cookbook
~*What U Need*~
All purpose flour - 1 cup
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
Salt - a pinch
Sugar - 3/4 cup
Dark Chocolate - 2 oz, chopped
Cocoa powder - 1/4 cup
Sour cream - 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp
Oil - 2 tbsp
Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
Egg - 1
Orange zest - 1 tsp
Water - 1/4 cup

For the orange chocolate ganache
Cream - 1/4 cup
Dark chocolate - 1/2 cup
Orange zest - 1/2 tsp

How I Made it:
Lets make the orange chocolate ganache first. Heat cream with the orange zest. Remove from flame, pour over the chopped chocolate. Let stand for 5 mins. Then whisk till smooth and shiny. Reserve and set aside.

Boil water, to this add the cocoa powder and whisk till smooth and lump-free. Now add the chopped chocolate and let stand for 5 mins. Whisk till smooth and shiny.

Sieve all purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt thrice. Combine oil, sour cream, vanilla essence and orange zest. Add the egg and beat well.

Add sugar and whisk till smooth. Now add the chocolate mixture and mix well. Grease two pans with butter and dust with flour.

Add the flour and fold gently. Pour into the baking pans and bake at 175C for 30-35 mins or till a skewer inserted comes out clean. Remove the cake from the pan and cool on a wire rack.

Level one of the two cakes. Spread chocolate ganache on it. Place the second cake on top and finish with the remaining ganache. Decorate with colored sugar balls, chocolate sprinkles and dust with icing sugar.

Do you wanna slice???

** My Notes:
** If you need an intense orange flavor, then replace the water with freshly squeezed orange juice.
** The cake turned out to be so chocolaty(..ah, just my type). If you prefer a less chocolaty cake, then reduce the dark chocolate to 1 oz.

So thats it Folks...
With Love,

Signs off!!!

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  1. It is a perfect marriage of flavor. wish I could taste this.

  2. Happy birthday to your little one. Love the cake and the icing..I can totally understand your love for chocolate as I am a big choco freak too!!

  3. Looks rich and delish vimi :)
    Merry christmas and Happy New Year Wishes to you and family!!!

  4. Delicious and creamy cake,loved the 2nd click...

  5. very well done. Love the colors on the top.

  6. Perfect flavors,looks so moist and yummy

  7. Wow very well done n loved ur lot of step by step pictures too :-), Happy holidays!!!

  8. Awesome cake and I love the orange-chocolate combo...have made a similar cake like this myself once....congrats on your baby turning 9 months...they grow so fast!!


  9. மிக அருமையாக இருக்கு...

  10. Perfect and delicious..loved the chocolate and orange favourite too.

  11. love the moist texture of the cake..yummy & Belated 9th mnth wishes to your cuties pie:)
    Join EP event-Garlic OR Turmeric @ Spice n Flavors

  12. Wow Vimitha the cake looks very inviting.Its new to me.

  13. Vimitha, I say leave the chocolate as it is AND add orange juice. Has to be an intensely yummy taste combo.

  14. so yummy and moisty Love to have a slice

  15. Wonderful clicks Vimitha. looks yummy too.

  16. Yum! Looks like a delicious cake!! Happy 9 months of your son's birth!!

  17. Lovely cake n chocolate is a great combo...

  18. Soooooooooo rich and inviting cake...

  19. Seriously am waiting to see eagerly wat you are going to bake for his 1st birthday. Loving this beautiful,absolutely sinful cake.

    1. Priya, am planning for Ben10 cake with fondant figurines. Lets see how am going to excel. :)))

  20. Wow!! So beautiful looking cake, and even I'm also waiting badly to see the cake:)

  21. Delicious cake, love the orange and chocolate combo..

  22. Well made dear...Looks so delicious... 9 months already :) Congrats dear!!!
    Misal Pav (SNC 3) | Mumbai Street Food | White Peas Usal

  23. Delicious cake, love it. Vimi did you plan a big birthday for your prince.

  24. Nice pictorial and definitely want to try this cos my Quay Lo love orange cake. Happy New Year to you and family.

  25. Looks so so delicious...want to have it ryt nw..luvd it.

  26. cake looks soft and delicious :).each n every bite can enjoy

  27. The cake looks delicious! Orange and Chocolate do make a great combo!

  28. you tempted me with your writeup Vimitha! looks like i am going to try this. looks great.

  29. Vimitha, I am not a fan of orange flavored cakes but I must say that your chocolate cake looks fabulous! I guess I can use this recipe to make a regular choc cake by leaving out the orange bits :)

    1. Do try the regular choco cake Phong. Hope you will love it.

  30. Oh yea I know what you mean about Lindt orange flavored chocolate -- I'm a huge fan. And by the sounds of it I'm already loving your orange flavored cake, er chocolate cake! Happy New Year my friend!

  31. fabulous cake Vimi....yummy combo....

  32. I’ve always wanted to make this ganache, but have yet to get around to it. awesome pictorial and definitely want to try this one. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  33. Orange n chocolate is one unbeatable combo,looks yummm

  34. This combination is unbeatable, I just cannot resist the ornage flavour in cakes n chocolates..Loved the cake!
    Wish you a Very Happy New Year!


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